Alice Ball ParkProject Title: Alice Ball Park The Alice Ball Park site was purchased to create additional park space in an increasingly congested city. Located within a retail corridor of Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood, the site is across the street from the Greenwood Library and adjacent to single-family homes. The park provides flexibility for many different uses in a compact site: a raised crosswalk connects the library; large rock slabs serve seating and nature play; a loop trail incorporates the public sidewalk and connects the whole; a small plaza with movable tables and chairs offers an informal gathering and program area closest to the library; a reading nook with benches is tucked into a corner for the library’s “story time” or individual use; the biophilic Nature Discovery Trail presents a nurse log, root-wad, rocks, and plantings for those in need of urban respite and nature play; and Universal accessibility is provided throughout. This project has become a much loved and much used new public open space for Seattle. |