President's Remarks Laura Thompson
We've made it to April! A glorious month full of bustling activities, landscape construction start-up, on site visits, and the promise of warm(er) weather. There's just something about April that gets everyone ready to "spring" into action, and WASLA is no exception! This month there are heaps of activities and movements to participate in. First of all, it is World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM), a worldwide celebration of the profession. Throughout this month ASLA will be highlighting landscape architect-designed spaces from around the nation, but you all can chip in individually by sharing some of your favorite project pictures to your own social media outlets. You can visit the WLAM web page to download your "This is Landscape Architecture" card to display with your photo. Be sure to use the hashtag #WLAM2017 with your posts so that we can all track and appreciate all the amazing projects we've been a part of! Feel free to also add the WLAM logo to your email signature so that all of your friends and colleagues are aware of the celebration!
The 2017 WASLA Conference, Where History Meets Nature, is also occurring this month! As a Spokane native, I am delighted that this year's conference will be hosted in my hometown, something that hasn't happened in the history of WASLA Conferences. The Davenport Grand is a stunning, BRAND NEW hotel, right in the heart of downtown Spokane and is linked to the Spokane Convention Center where the conference will be held. If you want the best Spokane experience, the Grand is where you'll want to be! I hope to see you all there! Read more
2017 WASLA Conference - Where History Meets Nature
April 20 & 21, 2017 The 2017 WASLA Annual Conference is just a few days away, and it is sold out! We are extremely grateful to our generous sponsors, exhibitors and volunteers who are helping to make this event a success.
To those attending, we are looking forward to seeing you April 21 at the Spokane Convention Center for in-depth conversations about the history of Spokane, shaping place, the built environment, historic preservation, and nature! For last-minute details, see the WASLA Conference webpages, and check WASLA's Facebook page. Follow us #WASLA2017
If you didn't get your tickets in time, watch for announcements later this year for the 2018 WASLA Conference in Seattle.
Beyond the Conference, WASLA members can celebrate World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM) throughout April by posting landscape architecture related photos and thoughts to Instagram/Twitter/Facebook using the #WASLA2017 and #WLAM2017 hashtags! Follow WASLA's social media accounts to keep up with the 2017 WASLA Conference and World Landscape Architecture Month posts throughout the month. Find us on Instagram and Twitter @washingtonasla, and on WASLA's Facebook Page.
WASLA will be taking over the ASLA National Instagram account on the day of the WASLA Conference, April 21st! Follow @landscapearch on Instagram April 21st to see posts that highlight landscape architecture in Washington State, and keep following throughout the month to see work from other state chapters.
Did you get your ASLA green card in the mail? Image source:
April is World Landscape Architecture Month!
World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM) is a global month-long celebration of our profession. This celebration reminds and informs citizens that landscape architecture is both universal and individually significant, producing a daily impact on life. Have you done your part to help spread the word about the diverse field of Landscape Architecture? If so, fantastic! Keep up the good work. If not, here's how you can join WASLA in spreading the word:
WLAM Social Media Campaign - We need your help blasting your favorite social media platforms with tons of pictures! Get inspired and get creative. Capture photos of your favorite plazas, parks, streetscapes, or other landscape architect-design spaces. Use hashtags #WLAM2017 and #WASLA to make sure your voice is heard!
Remember, WLAM is our chance to reach out to the public to show them what we're all about, so make sure to invite non-Landscape Architects to join the cause! We promise to blow their minds.
Or, submit your photos of landscape architect-design spaces to Lucas Vannice at [email protected] to have your photos posted to WASLA social media!

Sky to Sound Water Trail (Sultan,WA) June 2-3, 2017 1/2 day Friday, full day Saturday
The charrette will focus on exploring town-to-trail connections and stories for small towns in the heart of the Skykomish River Valley and along the water trail. The charrette is another in a series of charrettes that started in 1998 and involving the ongoing WASLA/NPS-RTCA partnership.
If you are interested in participating and/or have any questions, please contact Don Benson([email protected], 206-297-1259).
UW Lecture: Brad McKee, Editor of LAM
"Landscape in This Day and Age"
Bradford McKee will survey the rapidly changing social and cultural context in which environmental professionals find themselves working, and discuss ways they can affect positive change toward social and environmental justice.
Tuesday April 18 6:30 pm UW Campus - Gould Court Reception to follow
Register Now!
Landscape Architect II - HNTB Corporation
Site Designer/AutoCAD Drafter/Digital Graphic Document Development - Swift Company LLC
Mid-Level Landscape Architect/Designer - Weber Thompson
Landscape Architect - Board & Vellum
Project Landscape Architect - MacLeoud Reckord PLLC
Landscape Architechtural Coordinator - HDR Inc.
Facility and Master Planner/ Graphics Support - MAKERS Architecture and Urban Designer, LLP
Facility Planner and Data Coordinator - MAKERS Architecture and Urban Designer, LLP
Landscape Architect/ Designer - GCH Planning & Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architect/Designer - Weisman Design Group
Landscape Designer - Site Workshop Landscape Architecture
Project Manager - City of Sammamish
Intermediate Landscape Architect - ETA Landscape Architecture
Project Manager - Scott Holsaple Design Landscape Architecture
Job Portals
UW Internship/Practicum Portal
WSU Job Board
Support Endowed Scholarships
Ken Struckmeyer Student Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund for Landscape Architecture